If you haven't yet heard of the green tea weight loss plan you can be assured that it will only be a matter of time. But how effective is the plan? How does it actually work?
Green tea is a relatively new addition to the "weight loss food" category, foods that are deemed to help us to lose weight effectively. Research suggests that it helps to reduce weight by stimulating the body's thermogetics process. This in turn increases energy output and as a result encourages the body to oxidize fat stores.
Green tea, unlike other products that aid weight loss, does not put any undue pressure on the heart making it a safe option for people who have cardiovascular problems. However it does contain caffeine so other drinks containing coffee are probably best avoided whilst on this diet.
If you are serious about losing weight, it is important to be aware of the fact that the input of calories needs to be less than the output for success to be realised. The input is of course referring to the food you eat whereas the output normally refers to the energy used to burn calories. In the case of green tea weight loss plan, the energy output can be increased by approximately 4 %
As with all diets you have to be sensible about the foods you eat. This tea is not to be viewed as a magic potion. It will only help you to lose weight if you are making every effort to stick to a sensible dietary regime.
Green tea also has many health benefits, in particular it contains the antioxidants necessary for a healthy immune system.
So if you are already following a sensible weight loss plan adding green tea into the equation will undoubtedly increase your body's ability to lose weight and at the same time will be offering extra immune support via the powerful antioxidants that it contains.
Janet Matthews
skype:- lindajanetmatthews
Janet Matthews is an experienced teacher and health professional who believes in promoting good health through personal responsibility. This responsibility primarily entails being informed. Her articles aim to inform the general public and to lead them to a healthy fulfilling life.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_L._Matthews
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