Water and Weight Loss - The Best Way to Lose Extra Pounds

Did you know that sometimes when you think you are hungry it is your body asking for water? As a culture, we have become accustomed to not getting the recommended daily amount of water, and as such, we are in a constant state of dehydration. In some cases, this lack of water is hindering weight loss goals.
Why Drink Water to Lose Weight?
As stated above the body sees no difference between its need for water and need for food, therefore many high calorie snacks could be avoided by proper hydration. But this is not the only reason to drink water to lose weight. Water has many functions in the body; after all, you are made up of 60% water.
The main job of water in the body is to flush toxins through the kidneys. This removes all the harmful stuff from our bodies that we come in contact with everyday. When you do not get enough water the kidneys cannot function, as they should, this leaves the bulk of their job to the liver.
The livers main job is to metabolize fat; this is not its only job but the main one. One of its other jobs is to pick up for the kidneys when they are not at peak performance. You can see where this is going, lack of fluids hampers the kidneys, and liver has to step up and in turn cannot metabolize as much fat.
In addition to all these jobs, water has a host of other functions in the body:
o Assist digestion, lack of water leads to poor nutrition
o Regulates body temperature
o Is a large part of the blood, 92%, which is the body's transport system for vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc....
Water and Metabolism
You know that drinking water during meals can help you feel full faster, but did you know it could actually rev up your metabolism? In a study done written about in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism fourteen healthy people, half men and half women, consumed 500 ml of water a day and when their metabolic rate was measured, there was a 30% increase across the board.
The process responsible for the jump in metabolism is warming of the water to body temperature. According to researchers, drinking ice water can boost the metabolism and burn 70 extra calories per day. That in and of itself doesn't sound like much but over time, it can really add up.
Benefits of Water
In addition to all the great benefits listed above water will increase skin elasticity, decrease headaches, give you more energy, and overall make you feel so much better. Drinking the correct amount of water every day has even been linked to healthy vision.
How Much?
The recommendation is eight glasses per day; however, any increase is better than none. At least shoot for five to eight glasses in a 24-hour period. This is best done by slowly sipping on water throughout the day. A sudden onslaught of eight glasses water at one time will likely run straight through and not give you the benefits mentioned above.
Of course you can burn that fat, and the whole reason why you are reading this, is because you know you want to burn that fat! Here you'll find the best diets and Fat Loss Systems.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ricardo_D_Argence


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