Why do so many swear that quick weight loss plans are the best. Because they work. The initial weight you lose is so fast that you start to think that losing those excess pounds won't be that bad after all.
The reality is that those initial pounds come from mostly water weight. After losing this, the pounds that follow will be more challenging to come by, that is if you are able to stick to this draconian diet. And because of the harshness of these plans, dieters soon fall into that cycle of yo-yo dieting that plagues many who wish to lose weight.
Time To Take Charge
Once you decide that you have had enough of the constant fluctuation of your weight and are ready to make any weight loss permanent, then here's what you need to do.
Learn about proper nutrition Don't take for granted that you already know all you need to know about proper eating. As with life, there is always more that you can learn. The more knowledgeable you become about what you put in your body, the more conscious you will become of your eating habits.
In fact most of us just blindly eat whatever taste good. Their is a time and a place for this, but not with every meal. Learn to appreciate the rich nutritional value in a colorful satisfying salad. Remind yourself that grilled chicken can be seasoned to be just as satisfying as any burger out there.
Once you start to hold foods that are good for your health in higher regard, the more likely they will become your food of choice instead of chips.
Make a commitment to exercise Exercise is not a four-letter word. And unless you are confined to a wheel chair, there's no excuse for you not to exercise. And even if you are confined to a wheelchair, you still can exercise. Ever hear of the wheelchair olympics?
The bottom line is if you can walk, you can exercise. You can start by just making a commitment to walk a couple of minutes each day. Once you do that, the natural desire to want to do more will kick in. Before long, you will find yourself jogging, lifting weights and giving advice to others on how they can improve their health.
This is just 2 of the 4 important steps that you need to do to take charge of your weigh loss plan. To read the rest of this health article, go here.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_C_White
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