Successful Weight Loss Advice

The secret of weight loss depends upon how much you are determined to reduce your weight rather than any external cause. Mind you there is no possibility of reducing your weight by 21 pounds in 21 days. The miracle drugs will not have a long term effect. Once you stop them the weight returns back to where it was before. Let us try out the time tested ways to reduce the weight and not spend any time on miracle cures.
The way you eat, a balanced diet and regular exercise are the three vital ingredients of a weight loss program. When you eat never try to swallow the food in a hurry. When you are eating spend more time on chewing your food. Ideally, for people who want to loose weight a single morsel or mouthful of food must be chewed twenty times. The advantages of this chewing method are many. The food is easier to digest and the amount of food intake will be definitely less. Chew very solely and enjoy your food taking your own time. There is a great secret of weight loss in this well tried ancient technique. Hunger is something you feel in your brain and not in your stomach. When the blood sugar level falls the brain triggers hunger. When you are eating fast the brain will not shut down the feeling of hunger even if you have exceeded the necessary calorie intake. You keep feeling hungry and not satisfied and so you gorge on the food. This is the prime cause of obesity. When you are eating slowly for quite sometime you will not reach the required level of calories. After sometime, the brain switches off the hunger even if you have not gone through 60% of your normal meals. You now can not eat any more and you are fully satisfied without 40%of your food which is phenomenal by any standards. Otherwise this 40%is going to add up as fat in your body. This is the method of prevention of accumulation of fat in your body.
By a simple method you have fooled your brain into thinking that it has had enough. Follow this with drinking adequate amount of fluids preferably plain water. Now that you have taken care of the quantity aspect of your diet let us analyze the quality aspect too. Cut off without any hesitation all high fat high carbohydrate food from your diet. These are the foodstuff that gives maximum satisfaction but they have a high glycemic index. Bring in more fiber in your diet enriched with proteins and all nutrients. Avoid all high sweet food items. If you are eating three times make it four times every day and split your meals accordingly. This way the metabolic rate will be kept at a higher rate and you will not feel hungry either.
Having successfully implemented the above two steps do simple exercises to start with. A cycling or jogging exercise for 20 minutes will be very beneficial to start with. Avoid doing difficult exercises in the beginning as you are more likely to stop them all abruptly. Rome was not built in a day, and you will slowly but surely move towards your goal in this method.
For more information about weight loss you can try our blog:
Nigel is writer for many topics from weight loss, koi ponds, foreclosure guides and his true passion fishing.


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