Secrets of Success - Using Running for Weight Loss

Running for weight loss really can be successful. Millions of people around the world have shown that. But what are the secrets to making it work?
Surprisingly (or maybe not!) the key to successful long-term weight loss is what goes on between your ears, not what goes on your feet! Analysis of over 700 people who had all lost more than 30 lb (14 kg) and kept it off for more than 1 year highlighted these common features:
  1. There always needs to be a trigger to getting people losing weight. Sometimes it's just saying 'Now is the time to lose weight' to yourself. Sometimes it's more emotional - receiving negative comments about your weight, approaching a 'big birthday', breaking up with your partner, getting married in x months or suffering emotionally because of your weight. Sometimes it's a medical wake up call. Your doctor telling you to change or have a heart attack can be very motivating!
  2. Virtually all of the successful slimmers combined regular exercise with control of their diet. Trying to lose weight by just dieting or just exercising seems to be too difficult for most people to manage. I suspect that one thing leads to another. Many people start off running to lose weight. As they start to feel the benefit (firmer legs, less wobble, feeling more energy etc) they start to take more interest in their body. They feel that they really CAN make a difference. So then they start looking at their diet, and making better choices for their overall goals. Maybe it works the other way too (I've got no experience of that!), but the end result is always the same. Exercise and control of diet are the killer combination in successful long-term weight loss.
  3. Monitoring progress also really helps to keep slimmers on track. 75% weighed themselves at least once per week. It seems that keeping an eye on your weight helps keep your mind on the goal, so you are more likely to stick with the exercise and diet regime.
  4. Setting a challenging goal was also important. Many of the success stories had previously tried - and failed - to lose weight. The successful later attempts very often involved a harder target - more weight loss, shorter time, greater increase in fitness etc.
  5. Lots of vigorous exercise - running, jogging or cycling - helped build the calorie deficit for the successful slimmers. Most burned more than 2000 calories a week in physical activity - the average amount of exercise was the equivalent of walking 28 miles per week! That includes climbing stairs at work and walking instead of taking the car, but it still represents a significant amount of voluntary exercise. And to save time the only way is to boost the intensity level - to jogging, cycling or running.
One final thought. In order to qualify for the study the slimmers had to have maintained the weight loss for more than one year. In fact most had done much better. They maintained a 30 lb (14 kg) weight loss for an average of 5.5 years! These people know what works.
Try running for weight loss and see where it leads you! Soon you'll have the sexy slim body you deserve!
Copyright © 2011 Rob Knowles
Rob Knowles used to be a sedentary, overweight layabout. Now he's lost weight and got fit and he just can't stop banging on about it!
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Oh Nooooooooo! Running is not a ideal form of exercise for long term 'fat' loss. Yes you will lose weight, but potentially lean tissue as well (again, over the long term). The greater the duration the greater the potential negative side effects... it's simply an inefficient form of exercise.

Studies now prove you can get far better results with MUCH less time and potential injury using HIIT and resistance training exercise (circuit training).

Just food for thought.

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