Fat Loss Advice

The body by its very nature wants to hold onto fat and get rid of muscle. This is a survival tool, as each fat gram has more energy stored in it than muscle. To be able to get rid of fat effectively you need to use the best tactics to trick the body. This is even more so as you age. Whether you are grossly overweight or you just need to shape up for the beach, you need to attack fat from all angles. This will give you quick and noticeable results. Let's face it; none of us want fat-loss to take for-ever.

1. Eating Habits
A fat loss advice most people are not aware of - there are greater chances of losing weight if you eat more frequently. Mostly people don't agree with this and they always do other way around. They think the more you eat the more weight you will gain. The truth to fat loss advice is to eat more frequently, but not in the volume. For example instead of eating three large meals a day which contains 2400 calories per day, eat 6 small meals a day containing same calories, so that the gap between meals are shorter. In this way you will not even feel hungry. The longer interval between your meals, it slows down your metabolism. Eating smaller meals spaced throughout the day speeds up your metabolism. More calories are burned as a result. Avoid overeating is the best fat loss advice. Eating smaller meals consistently is the key and makes it a habit for the rest of your life.
Remember that another fat loss advice is if you forget exercise, your greater eating frequency will not affect you.
2. Change The Type of Food You Eat

Switch from a diet focused around carbohydrates (Breads, Pastas, Fruits) to one focused around lean sources of protein (egg whites, skinless chicken and turkey breast, fish and whey based protein powders.
3. Drink Plenty of Water
No water = no fat loss. Simple as that! You should drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day. The best way to ensure you do this is to fill up a 2 liter bottle in the morning and take it everywhere you go. The same formula applied as your meals. Take small sips continuously throughout the day.
4. Remember its Fat Loss Not Weight Loss
Throw your scales out. Don't rely on scales. Let your mirror and your clothes be the guide. You could be a 12 stone lean person or a 12 stone fat person. How much you 'weigh' has nothing to do with how much 'fat' you carry. As everyone knows muscle weighs more than fat.
5. Drop those Long, Slow Boring Cardio Sessions
When you ask a beginner or even an experienced trainer to picture a fat loss session they see themselves on a treadmill or out on the roads running for hours each week (and hating it!) That's why so many people give it up so quickly or don't even bother to start. Time and time again I see people in the gym on the treadmill or bike for hours on end with no effect. So what's the answer? Should they do more cardio? Of course not, that would be insanity! Stop worrying about exercising in a certain heart rate zone for fat loss. Forget about how many calories the machine says you have burnt (they are wrong most of the time anyway.) The way to use cardio machines is to do interval training on them. This type of training involves increases and decreases of intensity in your workout. E.g. 2 mins on a base level and then 30seconds of near maximal effort. Repeat this for about 10-12 mins. This type of training will burn far more calories than a long 40min cardio session and the great thing is that you will be finished within 10-12 mins.


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