You know, there is a massive amount of diet tips and fitness tips getting around. And it's rather interesting that apart from the scammers advertising a dream in a pink pill, most of the weight loss advice about is quite sensible and actually works. I know that, because most of it is really quite consistent and logical. And it worked for me.
You have to eat less and better and exercise more to lose weight and get fit. It's very simple.
So why are so many people still so overweight and unhappy with their body shape and size?
Well, to undertake a weight control diet and stick to your goal weight, you have to actually take at least some of the advice you are being offered.
The sad truth of the matter is that while many overweight people sort of wish in a watered down way for weight loss, they really don't want it enough to do anything positive to attain it. You just have to see all the excuses/reasons trotted out all over the place as to "why I can't lose weight despite an excellent diet and exercise program" I'm tipping the reason here is calorie amnesia. I had it. I got over it.
Another handy explanation for lack of weight loss despite good advice is "I think I am just meant to be fat because my whole family is." No one is meant to be fat; you may be big boned, like me, but you are only fat because of a lack of a weight control diet, like I was. Your whole family may well be fat, like mine, because you share a common love of excessive consumption of high calorie food and an aversion to regular exercise.
Not very nice to read, is it? Why is that? Why can't people accept that yes, I am overweight, yes I need to fix this for my health and lifestyle and yes I need to listen to and act on some advice? You have to start to want to hear advice that will help you. It can only do you good.
The diet tips that you'll get about weight loss will involve the necessity for you to change. Change your eating and exercise habits (hard) and change your mindset (very very hard). Humans are creatures of habit and although change is inevitable, we resist it like mad, when it doesn't suit us.
But if you can focus on the benefits that change in habits and outlook will bring you in regards to your excess fat, then you are more likely to graciously accept any good advice and start losing weight like never before. Because you really do want to find the answer to your weight problems and the answer is simple and right in front of you. You have to want to see it and HERE IT IS.
Here is some weight loss advice that will work for you if you choose to accept it.
To lose weight and stick to a weight control diet so you can be fit for life you have to
1. Eat less than you do now
2. Make better food choices - plenty of complex carbs, protein and unsaturated fat
3. Get some regular exercise - 6 days a week for 45 minutes to 1 hour per day. Walking is ideal.
That's my advice. But it's up to you. Take it or leave it.
Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at [].
Rosie's e-Book Weight Loss is Simple [] may be what you're after. Check it out & get a FREE copy of her popular e-Book Fat No More, while you're there.
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