Green Tea - Weight Loss and Other Possible Benefits

Scientists have been exploring new ways to exploit the wonders of green tea in a myriad of ways.  This simple little plant and products derived from it are being looked at for use in everything from gels to protect against HIV to weight loss products designed to clean up our systems and help us burn calories more efficiently.  It seems that every time you look, research is being done on some new possible benefit of the humble plant. 
Drinking green tea is said to increase energy without the jittery side effects produced by ingesting caffeine.  Some sites report that it also aids in digestion and that it can help the body to burn calories more efficiently.  There are also said to be cancer fighting properties locked up in the tea that can help to prevent prostate cancer in men who drink it.
The down side is that modern research is still limited regarding the benefits of drinking the tea or taking supplements containing it.  There are plenty of people performing research, but the research is still relatively young and ongoing.  Of course the drink has been popular among the Chinese for thousands of years and there are many who swear by its benefits.  Some tea drinkers report increased energy and even improvements in the way their skin looks.
If you enjoy drinking tea, by all means, continue in good health.  Just be aware however that not all of the research is in and that anything being sold in the area of weight loss should be purchased with care as some people will make unsubstantiated claims simply to sell products.  Keep checking on current research as you sip your tea and pay attention to what your body tells you.  If you enjoy drinking it and you feel better when you do, perhaps that is enough as long as there are no negative effects.
You might also enjoy these articles about green tea weight loss products and quick weight loss claims.
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