There seems to be a flawed thought process these days. Apparently, a vast amount of people seem to believe that taking fast weight loss pills means you're on a fast weight loss program. In this day and age of immediate gratification fueled more and more by the efficiency of the Internet and technology, we either believe or have been led to believe that any change we wish to make should be immediate. Why else would we be looking for a magic pill? Why else would we be looking for immediate resolution to a problem we have taken years to create?
I'm not sure where the blame lies exactly. Like most things, the blame can probably be spread amongst several different groups of people. If you look at our advertising, in fact look in any television commercial today, you can see it were not allowed to focus for any more than 2 or 3 seconds on any one image. Everything has to be immediate, convenient, right away or it's just not acceptable. I believe this is a contributing factor to a subconscious belief that pills can resolve our excess weight problem overnight. Fast food producers push unhealthy products wrapped in images of ecstasy. And even knowing better, we buy in wholeheartedly. We love unhealthy food. It's cheap. It's fast. It's convenient. However, all of us know it is not healthy.
In what seems to be our mantra these days, we want it all and we want it right now. So in our desperation to lose our excess weight we grab for what we believe will be the answer. Everything else in our world is immediate so an immediate, over night program makes perfect sense within the paradigm that has been ingrained in us since we were children. Again, we all know better than this. We all know we can't fool ourselves into believing that taking some pills will really be the answer.
If we want to lose weight fast, there are ways to do it. There are even ways to incorporate supplements into a fast weight loss program. That being said, I'm afraid that many times we don't make the connection. I'm afraid that we buy the paradigm of immediacy and attempt to fool ourselves into believing that once we are on some sort of diet medication, some sort of diet pills we are actually on a fast weight loss program. The first thing we must do is redefine our definition of fast. Fast weight loss is realistically only a few pounds a week. Anything faster than that is unhealthy for you. None of the pills on the market today will allow you to have good health if you are losing 30 pounds a month. Any nutritionist or health care professional educated in the way the body works will support me on this issue.
The fastest way to lose weight in a healthy manner is to have a multi pronged plan covering the three areas that can be triggered to accelerate the process. When you do this you will tap into your body's natural functions and instead of fighting against it you will use it in efficient manner and you literally watch the pounds melt away. A healthy, safe, fast program will include proper diet, supplementation, and exercise.
Even though I'm telling you is no revelation, and inside you know it all along, there is no miracle pill.
Lee Sundance is an article contributor at Best Weight Loss Pills Site. It is a new, informational, online resource discussing weight loss pills and other health and fitness topics.
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