Are You Eating the Right Foods For Fast Weight Loss?

Weight loss is serious business, not only for those wanting fast weight loss but also for those selling it. We are bombarded with advertising selling the latest weight loss pill, drink or fitness gadget all promoting fast weight loss. If you have struggled to lose that unwanted fat it becomes easier to believe that the miracle pill will help you but there are a few things you need to consider.
We all want to burn fat as fast as possible; if we could all wake up the next day and its gone then I'm sure we would all be much happier in our lives. However you didn't put all that weight on overnight did you? Over time you steadily gained weight and before you knew it, it was too late. So when it comes to losing your excess fat it won't be fast either, it will take time.
It won't happen over night
When I talk with my clients who want fast weight loss I explain it like this; if it took you one year to gain 100 pounds then you should look at 6 months of living a healthy lifestyle to lose it. However there are a few tricks to speeding up your weight loss without resorting to potentially harmful supplements that in the long run only bleed your wallet dry.
Anyone can lose weight by following a simple diet and exercise program but if you want fast weight loss then it will take a lot of willpower and determination to make the following tips part of your everyday life. While exercise is essential for weight loss it really comes down to what you put in your mouth.
Avoid temptation
We have all seen the personal makeover/weight loss programs on TV, when they go into your house and look in your fridge and cupboards to see what you are really eating and then they throw out all the foods you DONT need. You need to do this too if you want to succeed.
Get rid of all the temptations you have lying around. This is the hardest thing to do but it will be the best thing you can do for yourself. You won't be needing it! Trust me. I have a mean sweet tooth and I new I would never lose weight until I left home because mom always had stuff around the house. When I moved out and went to college the first month was a killer but I was determined not to buy foods that would tempt me when I was up late studying. If you want fast weight loss then you are going to have to get rid of temptations, no ifs or buts about it.
What you need to avoid
The first and most obvious food to avoid is sugar and anything containing it. It is loaded with calories that will go straight to your belly or hips. Secondly you will need to monitor the amount of salt you have. Salt helps the body retain water and will not help with fast weight loss. You also need to be careful with salt as most processed foods contain high levels salt. So the third food group to avoid is all processed foods. As I say to my clients, if it's in a can or plastic packaging then it wasn't grown by nature and it won't be good for you. There are so many things in processed foods that will do you harm in the long run but the biggest one that should concern you is the fat content.
What should you eat for fast weight loss?
For any weight loss diet to be effective you need to be eating are whole foods, but what are whole foods? They are foods that are unrefined or unprocessed or processed or refined as little as possible before being eaten. Simple really.
So you should be consuming all fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat and poultry. Fresh fish is going to be one of your best sources of protein and they also contain high levels of essential oils. Salmon and tuna are my two favorites. You can also eat whole grain cereals, pastas and breads as well as beans and nuts. Basically you can eat anything that has not been interfered with by man. As a side note you will need to keep a strict eye on your portion sizes. Just because you're eating healthy doesn't mean you can eat everything in sight.
Eat small regular meals throughout the day. Generally six per day and again remember your portion sizes. Eat every two to three hours, this allows your stomach to digest what you have eaten before you put anymore in. This will speed up your metabolism and increase the rate you burn fat.
Avoid any diets that are calorie restrictive or promote fasting. These are the two things guaranteed to slow your metabolism to snail's pace. By eating regularly you avoid hitting the dreaded diet plateau after the first month.
Always eat breakfast. A lot of my clients use to forget about breakfast and by 10am they hit the wall and needed food urgently. The easiest foods to get a hold of was highly processed, high fat foods that not only helped them gain weight but also had them feeling hungry again within hours and off they would go for more of the same.
Breakfast kicks your metabolism in to top gear first thing in the morning and sets the pace for the day. Get this one thing right everyday and you are well on track for fast weight loss. There are a huge range of healthy breakfast ideas that don't take long to prepare. So take some time sit down and plan your breakfasts for the week, vary your meals so you don't get bored and you will have a huge advantage over other dieters.
For more FREE articles and tips about fast weight loss check out and see how easy it really is to speed up your metabolism and burn fat fast, the healthy, natural way.
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