Think Your Way to Weight Loss

Obviously sitting in a room and thinking about weight loss will not make you lose weight (unless you sit in the room for a few weeks without eating).
However, we all know that the brain is the most powerful muscle in the body, so use your brain to think your way to weight loss.
Albert Einstein once said that "The thinking that got us into our problems is not the thinking that will get us out." Einstein was right, although I don't think Albert Einstein was referring to weight loss. He was making that point that to make a change, you must change your way of thinking, and that concept certainly applies if you are trying to lose weight.
Here's an example of how we can use our brain to think our way to weight loss: start thinking about what you eat. Before you eat that fast food meal of a hamburger, fries, and a milkshake, think about what you are doing. Think about the calories you are consuming, and realize that those calories have very little nutritional value. Think about what other more healthy options you have for your meal.
Think about why you want to lose weight. If you want to lose weight for your health, or your appearance, or your physical fitness, your brain can provide you with the added motivation to lose weight.
Think about exercise as a way to lose weight. Research why exercise helps you burn more calories and get fit, which turns your body into a fat burning, weight loss machine.
There is one certain fact when it comes to weight loss: if you don't change the way you think about food and exercise, you won't lose weight. It's that simple. So focus on your brain, not your stomach, and get started on your weight loss plan today.
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