Free Fitness Plan - Walk to Lose Weight!

You can forget all about that expensive gym membership because you can walk to lose weight. Today the economy has caused us all to cut back on our expenses. We want to live a healthy life but for those of us who work paycheck to paycheck we cannot always buy organic foods, get a membership to a health club, purchase a fitness program or have a personal trainer. That does not mean we have to let our health suffer. We have many free options to help us achieve weight loss and good health. The easiest way is to walk to lose weight.
When You Walk To Lose Weight You Burn Calories
Did you know that walking for just half an hour will burn around 96 calories? In 60 minutes of walking you can burn 300 to 500 additional calories. If you want to burn even more calories you can carry small weights, walk faster, swing your arms and walk up hills. Walking is a great idea for everyone and is especially good for the person who is just starting an exercise program. It is really easy and can be fun too.
Running will burn a few more calories than walking but it is harder on the body. It can cause stress on the knees and ankles that could lead to injury but most people can walk without causing injury. The reason walking to lose weight works so well is because it increases your metabolic rate so your body can burn fat. It also builds strong muscles in your legs.
The greatest thing about walking is that we can do it anywhere. You can walk around your neighborhood, go to the park, go to the beach, walk around a mall, and you can even walk in place while watching the television if you want to. During the day you could take a ten minute walk break or go for a ten minute walk every two hours. I have seen the ladies from our office building put on their walking shoes at lunch time and walk around the building several times. They look like they enjoy it too.
There many other benefits to walking other than just weight loss.
Here are just a few:
  • Lowers the risk of Heart Disease by up to 40%.
  • Lowers your blood pressure.
  • Increases the odds of preventing Breast Cancer.
  • Boosts your energy levels.
  • Decreases overall health risks.
  • Lowers Stress levels.
  • Increases the health of the cardiovascular system.
  • Increases overall health and fitness.
All of that from walking! Can you see how walking offers plenty of great benefits? You have a lot to gain by taking a nice walk. Another great thing is that you do not have to go all by yourself. Take your spouse, your kids, friends, dog, or just take your music player with you. It is what you make it. So you might as well make it fun.
Remember that when you decide to walk to lose weight you should try to get at least an hour of walking done every day. It does not matter if you do it all at once or break it into 10 or 20 minute periods because the benefits will be the same. It is probably the easiest and the least costly of any exercise that will help you lose weight. You just put on your shoes and go to your favorite place and start walking to lose weight.
Walking is a great way to get exercise and lose weight. Go here if you would like more information about how you can walk to lose weight. If you are in a hurry and want safe and healthy ways to get fine again, visit
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