What is the definition of fitness? It is having a healthy body and mind. A healthy body helps you recover quickly if it is hurt or one is exposed to stressful situations. Fitness is not limited to exercise and it is also about good nutrition, relaxation, adequate sleep, and more. Fitness is really not about how one looks on the outside (for example you may look buffed up and you may be unfit at the same time) but it is really about how your body is working on the inside; what you do not see it is what is important in this case.
Our health is to a large degree influenced by fitness. Here are some tips to increase your fitness level:
Do not exercise alone
Although it works for some people, most people get easily bored if they exercise alone. It is always good to have the extra encouragement that other people provide. So even if you exercise at home, it is a great idea to do it with company. Of course exercise in a public facility, assuming you discount the traveling time, is very enjoyable for most people, and can also lead to healthy friendships.
Do not be a weekend warrior!
Some people try to be a weekend warrior, cramming a lot of exercise into a few hours. This is a recipe for disaster often leading to sports injuries and doctor's visits. As you get older the chance of you getting injured increases especially if you are not exercising routinely. So it is recommended that you chose a fitness activity that is long-term and does not over-exert your body. Walking is an example of a very good exercise for fitness that seldom leads to injury. Another great activity is swimming.
Eating habits
Some people do not consider eating as part of fitness. However eating is a large component of fitness. If you eat right, that goes a long way towards your fitness. Avoid high sugar and high fat foods, and eat lightly before exercise.
Leave the car at home
The society as a whole is becoming less and less fit due to overuse of cars. Fortunately or unfortunately gas prices are on the way up so it behooves us to walk, bike, or take public transportation. People in Europe do just that, and they are probably a lot more fit. So we need to make a conscious decision to leave the car at home whenever possible, and increase walking or biking activities.
Fitness and obesity are very much connected. An obese person cannot move or exercise well, and that leads to reduced fitness. As mentioned before in this article, adequate and low-level exercise as well as improved eating habits will lead to reduce obesity and therefore to increased fitness.
Fitness and stress
A stressed person is not a fit person! Set aside some time every day for quality time, or family time, or engaging in a favorite activity. Some experts recommend exercises such as yoga for reducing stress. There are over forty yoga types, but the most famous is hatha yoga, which is all about poses, stretching, breathing exercises and doing meditation. No matter what yoga style you choose, rest assured that it will help reduce your stress levels and help you to be a fitter person.
In summary your well-being depends on being fit. This article has outlined a number of ways to increase your fitness level. It is important that you study what is available, and starts on a proper fitness program; one that achieves long-term results.
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