The Method for Losing Your Love Handles is Staring You in the Face

By Judith Gantt

Defeating your love handles is, believe it or not, a similar goal to wanting to earn a living on the Internet. There are always those who expect instant results and people who are patient enough to approach it helpfully. There are no quickie love handle reducing machines or special pills you can take. You are going to need to lose weight and firm up everywhere but the methods that promise quick results are just a waste of time. If you've tried them before, you know that any weight you lose will be gained back immediately.

There are a variety of workouts you can do that will help you get rid of your love handles--you just need to make sure you're working on toning your whole body. You can employ this strategy through the use of motions for twisting and rotating. You can also choose to do linear stretching, like bending to the waist, leaning left and right, etc if rotating isn't something that appeals to you. If you want to firm, tone or completely annihilate your love handles, you can use a broom stick. Put the stick across your shoulders and reach out and grab it. Bend from your waist, go back and forth, left to right and then back to the left. You can also twist at your waist, but don't twist around too far. You also need to make sure that you warm up prior to completing any sort of exercise.

Your midsection can be firmed up through a series of exercises that include a twisting motion. The action of pounding the ground with something like a baseball bat is actually a good exercise for toning your sides. You should choose something with weight in it so that there is more resistance and the work done on your muscles actually is helpful. The rotating effect is also useful and you can use this to your advantage by doing side twists by raising your arms straight out from your sides. You are over weight and having a tough time dieting, to lose your love handles, this is a good place to start. This may sound like a broken record but it is the simple and pure truth. Ab work is the wrong type of exercises to be working on if you are trying to reduce the fat content or size of your love handles. If you have extra fat, it must be eliminated. A habit of eating healthy every day is essential and cannot be missing from your getting rid of love handle program. Avoid faddish dieting and jumping from one thing to another. It is not good for your health to lose weight and then gain it back. So commit to developing new habits that are healthy and you'll be off to a solid start.

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This is something else that deserves your attention. You already have a six pack--even if you aren't able to see it. Most of the time you can't see it because it's covered in fat.

Fatty love handles are something that most everyone would love to have disappear. Most people fall down because they have to get into shape and shed unwanted pounds. The reason most people fail is because they don't want to change their unhealthy habits through lack of motivation.

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