Raw Food Weight Loss - Can You Lose Weight on a Raw Food Diet?

If you've been hearing a lot more about raw food diets and raw food weight loss in particular you may be wondering if you can actually lose weight on a raw food diet.
First of all what is a raw food diet. Unlike other diets out there and totally unlike weight loss diets it is basically a diet that consists of raw foods. Living foods as some people call them. A raw food diet can be whatever you like as long as it incorporates a lot of or all raw foods. What do I mean by a lot? Well technically that means usually 75% to 80% raw foods. 100% is good to aim for but many find that they can't give up certain comfort foods.
Raw foods are fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that are not cooked, canned, refined or processed in any way. They are in their natural form. They may be fresh from the tree or garden or purchased at your local whole health foods store or regular grocery.
If you ask people who eat a raw food diet if they have lost weight on it you will always hear a resounding yes. I lost 10 pounds so fast it scared me when I started on raw foods almost ten years ago now. Many who had a lot more weight to lose dropped pounds significantly and fast.
The nice thing about raw foods is that they are healthy! Many diets are not healthy and laden with fatty foods. Some even say it's okay to eat them. There are dozens of new diet programs coming onto the market all the time. To sell diet books perhaps or various diet plans or diet programs. But the truth is you can make up your own raw food diet just by deciding you're going to eat predominately raw foods.
The important thing to remember is that whatever you choose you should eat a lot of. If you're going to eat a lot of fruit - that isn't just a banana and apple a day. You want to eat a lot of fruits and especially different fruits to get the benefit of all the different phytonutrients and other antioxidants, vitamins and minerals they contain. You'll feel energized and notice health problems disappearing along with a fast weight loss.
You'll want to eat huge salads. I eat a giant salad every night for dinner and have a smaller salad at lunchtime and lots of fruits and freshly extracted juice throughout the day. And you don't have to give up a special food or two if you have to have it. If you are eating predominately raw foods you can have something that is important to you now and then.
I enjoy 100% raw foods myself and look forward to eating them. I no longer have any desire for foods that are not alive. Cooked foods are dead foods and I have no desire for them. I cured myself of breast cancer, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, chronic sinus problems, headaches and many other health problems almost overnight! It's a natural detox diet - no cleanses ever needed!
A raw food diet can significantly benefit your health and reward you with the healthiest type of weight loss. A raw food weight loss is the best diet plan. And if you continue to eat this way for a lifetime you will enjoy superior health!


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