How Parents Can Practice Proper Skin Care

By Vanessa Chepsy

Many people spend lots of time and money to get softer, tighter skin like they had in their earlier years. We use lotions that are enhanced with age defying ingredients. For those who can afford it and some others who can't, it isn't an issue to shell out hundreds of dollars in an effort to retain our glamorous skin. It is true that people with the most gorgeous skin obtained naturally, started off young and developed good skincare habits early on. Don't wait until it is too late to start the right baby skin care routine.

During diaper changes skip the powder. Most parents choose to use powder because it will soak up moisture inside of the diaper and keep the baby dry.

The reason you want to skip the powder is because it is easy for the babies to inhale it; even heavier powders like corn starch are bad because those can grow yeast. Instead of using powders or corn starches simply wipe your baby clean with warm water, dry her off with a dry towel and then put on a new diaper. This will keep away diaper rashes and yeast problems. Your baby's skin needs plenty of fresh air. Most parents can easily avoid most diaper rashes and other skin conditions simply by making sure the baby's skin is exposed to a clean environment, since these problems usually stem from the skin being in contact with a moist diaper or enclosed in tight fitting clothes for too long. A baby's skin that gets a chance to breathe from time to time will avoid most of these minor ailments. Letting your baby occasionally go naked will increase skin health and decrease rashes. Just choose a time when it is appropriate and give it a try. You need to use your better judgment when choosing to use this method because you don't want your baby crawling around naked when guests are present or being exposed to cold air that can lead to serious health problems.

Your baby's umbilical stump is fragile--be careful around it. Rubbing it, pulling on it and playing with it are bad ideas. Swab the stump with rubbing alcohol a few times a day. Other than that, leave it alone. Don't even give the baby a full bath if the umbilical cord stump is still in place. Take care to keep the baby's diaper away from the stump by folding down its top edge. The stump area is sensitive and is easy to infect which is why a high level of care is important. When the stump falls off the skin under it will need special care so you should talk to your pediatrician about how to care for it.

You have a lot of options to choose from to help you protect your child's skin such as finding the right Meaningful Beauty regimen which most people with skin problems should have. Developing a good baby skin care regimen early in your child's life will help them develop good skin care routines later on in life.

Baby skin care extends beyond the baby's face and involves taking care of the rest of the baby's body as well.

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